Our Services_

​We have provided construction inspection support on virtually every type of project. The following is a list of project types our employees have been assigned to:
Roadway – new construction and rehabilitation on all class of roads including interstate, state routes, and Class 1
Bridges – new bridge construction and rehabilitation including: concrete slabs, curve girders, pre-fabricated, pre–cast, historic covered bridges, steel truss, pedestrian, temporary, railroad, and one floating bridge. Several bridges have been part of the Accelerated Bridge Construction program (ABC)
Retaining walls, slope stabilization, and scaling back ledge
Safety – including statewide signing, marking, and other
safety enhancing features
Airport – including runway rehabilitation and airport
expansion (we have extensive experience with FAA
Emergency response and recovery
Railroad – including replacement and rehabilitation of existing lines and crossings (we have extensive experience with FRA regulations)
Bike and pedestrian paths
Utilities – including water, sewer, power, and fiber optics
Crack filling
Buildings – including demolition to new construction
Signals – including vehicular, pedestrian, and railroad
Pipelining and pipe jacking
Park and rides – including new construction and rehabilitation
Our employees have provided assistance in other areas including:
~ Finals Unit
~ Production of Guidance Documents and Manuals – We have provided support on the revisions to several documents and manuals including the Construction Manual.
~ Quality Assurance Services for Design–Build Projects
~ Media/Public Outreach Expertise
We are very comfortable and confident in providing support in these additional areas and look forward to assisting your organization as the scope of work expands to meet the ever changing demands from the public and regulatory agencies.